Corals · Coraux · Korallen
Reference database on Extant Coelenterata
forming a skeleton made of Calcium Carbonate
The database encompasses 9130 literary references published between 1758 and 2002 on Extant Scleractinian corals as well as the skeleton-building species of Milleporidae, Helioporidae and Tubiporidae,
- biology and morphology,
- reproduction, dispersion and settlement,
- distribution and biogeography,
- population dynamics and community patterns,
- taxonomy, terminology and bibliography,
- calcification, variation, and sclerochronology,
- evolution and DNA,
- ecology and behavior,
- coral associates, predation, and symbiosis with zooxanthellae,
- diseases, effects of environmental factors, pollution, reef management, trade, and fieldguides.
The bibliography includes also unpublished dissertations and theses, as well as abstracts.
The entries are fully indexed according to
- the geographic area
(72 areas are distinguished; see map for example),
- the contents
of the publication (45 topics), and
- headwords obtained from the title (translated into English when necessary).
The bibliography was compiled and indexed by Hilmar Hanske (Hannover, Germany), additional indexing and preparation for electronic publishing by
Hannes Löser (Hermosillo, Mexico).
See some details of the search program and the included GIS.
Updated : January, 15, 2007